Black Slate

Black Slate Gallery

Black Slate Description

Black Slate is the epitome of elegance and sophistication in the world of natural stone. With its deep and captivating shades of black, complemented by subtle undertones, it offers a unique blend of beauty and versatility. Commonly used in landscaping for pathways, water features, and decorative ground covers, it’s also highly valued in architectural designs, especially as roofing tiles. Its smooth texture, punctuated by the occasional natural ridge or layer, speaks to its age and formation process. Durable and requiring little upkeep, Black Slate is an ideal choice for those looking to combine aesthetic appeal with longevity. Whether laid as a pathway in a garden, used as patio stones, or installed as roofing, its charm and resilience remain unmatched.

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Black Slate Specs

Other Names

Black Stone Slate, Slate Black Rock, Blue Slate, Midnight Black Slate

Delivery Sizes

Small & Large Quantities Available

Use Cases

Landscaping, Pathways, Patio Stones, Decorative Ground Cover, Water Features, Garden Borders, Roofing Tiles

Use Environment

Residential, Commercial, Architectural

Color Variations

Black Slate is renowned for its deep, sophisticated shades of blue, often with undertones of gray, green, or purple, giving it a distinct and elegant appearance.


Typical of slate, its texture is smooth but can have slight variations with naturally occurring ridges and layers.


Black Slate, being a premium and sought-after landscaping and architectural material, is typically available year-round in most regions.


Black Slate is hard-wearing and low maintenance. However, occasional cleaning can help maintain its vibrant color, especially in areas exposed to heavy foot traffic or water features.

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